Carpet Cleaning

Principles of Professional Carpet Cleaning

The objective of carpet cleaning is soil removal. That objective can be achieved using any of a variety of cleaning methods.

Before deciding on a method selected. factors such as the carpets type, use, condition, and soiling must be assessed.

This standard describes five (5) primary methods of cleaning. However, there are basic principles of professional carpet cleaning which are common to all methods.

These basic principles are defined in the following sub-sections.

1. Dry Soil Removal

Dry soil removal is accomplished primarily with powerful, professional vacuum cleaning equipment. It is highly recommended that cleaning techniques and frequencies be selected based on an understanding of how and where soil accumulates on carpet, and their impact. On occupant health and their ability to remove maximum amounts of dry particle soil.

It is highly USE LIE that vacuum stroking patterns and speeds that result in maximum particle soil removal be employed


2. Soil Suspension

Soil suspension IS the second principle in in professional carpet cleaning.

This procedure suspends or separates ground-in or adhered soils, which were not removed with vacuuming. Once suspended soil may be extracted.

Maximum sail suspension incorporates four fundamentals including: chemical action, heat, action, agitation, and time.

When one of these four fundamentals is decreased, one or more of the others must be increased.

Each method of cleaning addresses the fundamentals of soil suspension with different emphasized.

3. Soil Extraction (Removal)

Soil extraction is the third principle in professional carpet cleaning. Once soils have been suspended as uniform as possible, they must be physically extracted.

Methods of extraction include absorption, wet vacuuming, rinsing, or dry vacuuming.

Substances extracted by any method must be disposed of in accordance with all local, local, state, provincial and federal regulations.

4.Pile Setting or Grooming

Pile setting or grooming is the fourth principle in professional carpet cleaning.

The purpose of pile setting or grooming is to assist with evaporation, decreasing drying time and enhancing the carpet’s final appearance by removing rotary swiris or wand marks or distortion from the pile. Grooming also aids in the uniform distribution of protectors or other post-cleaning.

5. Drying

Drying is the fifth and final principle in professional carpet cleaning. When cleaning carpet, it is highly recommended that drying occurs within six to eight hours or less: however, drying time must not exceed 24 hours. Failure of the professional to implement drying procedures could result in a variety of after-cleaning problems. Often, occupant cooperation is needed to expedite drying.

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Methods of Carpet Cleaning

Dry Foam Cleaning Method

Dry Foam cleaning is a minimum-moisture method Following vacuuming,

•Dense foam is produced

Through mechanical aeration and distributed via a mechanical brush. The excess foam and suspended soil extraction using a wet vacuum typically.

Bonnet Cleaning Method

The Bonnet cleaning method 15

Also called the Absorbent Pad method. It is a minimum moisture method.

Following vacuuming, a detergent solution is applied to the carpet then extracted using an absorbent pad/bonnet attached to a drive block on a low rom rotary floor machine.

Shampoo Cleaning Method

Following Vacuuming

Shampoo is distributed to the carpet with a mechanical brush.

The shampoo and suspended soil is extracted by either a wet vacuum or dry vacuuming process

Hot Water Extraction Method

Following vacuuming, a cleaning product is applied to the carpet and agitated. The cleaning product and suspended soil is extracted by rinsing with water from a portable or truck-mounted extraction unit, which may contain rinsing agents or emulsifiers.


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